How to make Mexican enchiladas
Enchiladas make a complete dish by themselves. They are voluminous, delicious and very balanced when the filling includes some meat.
The recipe for red enchiladas with chicken is one of the most common in Mexico, although there are hundreds of different ways to prepare this dish. One of the advantages of enchiladas is that they do not need accompaniments. They can be served with rice or beans as garnish, but if not, nothing happens.
How to prepare Mexican red enchiladas
The most used chiles for this recipe are tree, wide and guajillo For those who do not like spicy, they can be replaced with sweet peppers or chilies that do not sting.
Mexican enchiladas recipe
- If you do not have corn tortillas, you can also use wheat tortillas. If they are very large, cut them into a manageable size so that they fit on a plate, but without losing their round shape.
- If you want a vegetarian recipe, you can change the chicken filling with cheese. A fresh white cheese is recommended.
- Save the broth in which you cooked the chicken to make use of it in other recipes.
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